When you think of a massage, people usually think of a zenful experience that is relaxing, meditative, calming, soothing, etc. After your massage, it can feel like you’ve just woken up from taking a great nap, refreshed, or even given an extra dose of energy. But, sometimes, you can experience quite the opposite – sore muscles for a couple of days. So, why the big difference in experiences?
Here are several reasons why your muscles might be sore after a massage:
Massage Pressure
It is beneficial to you if you and your massage therapist communicate about the level of massage pressure that is best for you. There is a delicate balance between working the muscles for release and hurting them. If a technique does not feel therapeutic to you, we encourage you to speak up right then. Adjustments can be made immediately, which will reduce the soreness afterwards.
Frequency of Massage
Just like starting up an exercise program, if you haven’t had a massage before or there has been a long time in between massages, your muscles may react strongly.
Inflammation Response
Massage is like exercise. A massage forces blood into the muscle, bringing nutrients and removing toxins and can temporarily increase inflammation (the healing response) to areas that the body feels need attention. This inflammation can possibly bring discomfort. Inflammation and discomfort can usually last a few hours to about a day and a half.
Your body is made up of 55% to 65% of water. Some organs contain more water. So, it is vital for you to drink enough water every day for your muscles and to flush out toxins. If you are dehydrated before a massage, you will definitely be depleted, and you could feel more pain from breaking up lactic acid or trigger point therapy being dehydrated.
Lactic Acid
Massage breaks up lactic acid in the body which needs to be flushed out of your system. Lactic acid is produced in muscle tissues during exercise and massage. Drinking water helps to move lactic acid out of your muscles. Lactic acid buildup can trigger cramps, pain and sore muscles.
Stress can be a major culprit for aches and pains. Stress can cause lack of sleep, which also can increase pain and body aches. Stress can reduce healthy deep breathing which can reduce oxygen from getting into your organs and muscles. This can cause pain. Look at your lifestyle and see where you can reduce your stress.
Medical Conditions
There are numerous medical conditions and syndromes that flair up muscle pain. Common painful conditions can include Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Arthritis, Diabetes, and many more.
You may have an unknown viral infection (flu) in your system. The common symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, and sore throat. The flu can also cause body aches and sometimes severe muscle pain.
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
Muscle soreness can be an indicator that you do not have the proper vitamins in your body, such as Vitamin D which maintain good bone health.
Communicate with Massage Therapist
If you have sore muscles after one of our massages, we highly recommend to discuss it with us so we can make sure that we work together not to have it happen again or to reduce your level of pain.
If you have any additional questions about what to expect after a massage, your massage therapist will be happy to answer them. Contact I Got Your Back Massage Therapy or call 727-772-0220 today to get a massage to relieve your symptoms.
At I Got Your Back Massage Therapy, we are in the business of helping people relax, quiet their mind, reduce pain and stress so why wouldn’t we show Palm Harbor the same message on our website? We are happy to announce that I Got Your Back Massage Therapy has published a new and easy to use website to see our services offered and find out more about what we do to help your mind, body, and soul.
Give us a call at 727-772-0220 for your next massage to help you relieve headaches, pain, and aches. I Got Your Back Massage Therapy is conveniently located at 1684 Alternate 19 in Palm Harbor. Our massage therapists are skilled in many techniques to help you improve your physical and mental health, including relaxation massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, reiki, and aromatherapy. Contact the professionals at I Got Your Back Massage Therapy and set up an appointment.